Deer Park North which opened in 1976, is a large primary school with an enrolment of approximately 350 pupils. It is located in the outer western suburbs of Melbourne and serves a community with a diverse social-economic and cultural background.
A balanced curriculum is provided in the key learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, The Arts/LOTE, Health & Physical Education, Studies of Society and Environment. A strong emphasis is placed on the learning of English and Mathematics.
Teaching and learning approaches that are actively promoted include team planning, team teaching, a whole language approach to literacy, multi-age strategies and integrated curriculum. The timetable is broken up into two hourly blocks to allow intensive instruction with Literacy and Numeracy. The integrated curriculum model recognises that learning is more appropriate to children when the learning areas are connected. It also places emphasis on child input to planning, cooperative group work strategies, and the development of thinking skills, personal qualities and research skills.The school is organised into five teaching teams: Junior School (P/1), Grade Two, Middle School (3/4), Senior School (5/6) and Specialist Team (comprising teachers in Visual Arts/LOTE, English as a Second Language (ESL), Library, eLearning, Physical Education, Reading Recovery and Student Welfare. Importance is placed on providing calm, caring learning environments that promote children’s self-esteem and confidence. Equal opportunity principles and strategies are incorporated and provision is made for the learning needs of all children in an atmosphere where they are actively encouraged to do their best. The student welfare policy is based on the belief that students and parents have rights and responsibilities. These guide the implementation of rules and consequences that contribute to a safe and harmonious working environment for students.Consultative processes are reflected in decision-making throughout the school. The Student Representative Council (SRC) provides a student forum and input into decision-making.Deer Park North cooperates closely with neighbouring network schools and kindergartens. This assists in providing curriculum coherence and appropriate transition arrangements for all students.Parents are supportive and active in all aspects of the school’s operations including classroom programs. Parent understanding of curriculum and operations is promoted through parent information evenings, Early Years programs in both English and languages other than English, Family Literacy, Maths and Science evenings.Deer Park North is a strong believer in the value of the state education system. It has a reputation for quality programs and keeping abreast of current curriculum and administrative initiatives. The principal and staff strive professionally and collaboratively with the active School Council to enhance the learning of all students. They are supported by a community that holds the school in high regard.