Deer Park North Primary School successfully applied to participate in the Building Healthy Communities in Melbourne’s West project. This project is sponsored by Regional Development Australia (RDA) and Medicare Local. Through this project we hope to positively change the health outcomes of our children and their families.The project was officially launched on Wednesday 18th March. At the launch parents were invited to participate in free health checks to identify possible areas of concern regarding their own personal health and wellbeing. Information was provided by a number of health agencies to parents and families. These agencies included Quit, Stroke Foundation, Diabetes Australia, Suns of the West and, Baker IDI. Parents were also able to participate in CPR demonstrations.Children were provided with opportunities to learn how to care for their teeth as well as meet doctors in the very popular Teddy Bear Hospital.DPDNS is fortunate to receive $25000 through this project to develop an area of the playground into a mindfulness garden. This area will provide a quiet sanctuary within the playground for children who may need a quiet place to regroup before joining their friends and classmates.Planning is underway to incorporate Mindfulness practices within our school curriculum so that students will develop strategies to assist them to
This area of the school is currently under construction and will soon be a peaceful sanctuary within the school grounds for use during recess breaks and during class timesGRATITUDE GARDENAfter much discussion between teachers and their classes we have decided that we are going to call our new quiet garden “The Gratitude Garden.” We are hopeful that the garden will be used by students and their teachers to nurture and encourage young minds to thrive. We are aware of the impact of positive thinking has on our own mindsets and acknowledge that being grateful is a major contributing practice that can help us to develop a positive mindset. We hope that through mindfulness activities within the garden and the classes that children will take notice of the positive things, show gratitude and in turn demonstrate a positive mindset. Our new 'Gratitude Garden' has been officially opened! Have a look on our home page article (link below) to see some photos from the opening and our fantastic Gratitude Wall:Gratitude Garden Opening