The focus of the Physical Education (P.E.) and Sport program at Deer Park North P.S., is to provide children with opportunities for success, to build confidence to be physically active, learn the importance of being a good sport and the value of teamwork. Most importantly it is to have fun and to enjoy being active.
Students from Foundation to Year 6 participate in a minimum of 60mins of Physical Education. The P.E. program provides students with opportunities to be physically active, develop fundamental motor and movement skills and apply these skills into structured games. Students begin with the Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P) focusing on the development of cognitive, social and gross motor skills. It is also designed to prepare students for participation in traditional sports as they move to the middle and senior years. From Year 3, students further develop their game sense and teamwork and explore roles including umpiring, scoring and managing as part of participation in major games such as basketball, soccer and netball.
Deer Park North P.S. Year 5 and 6 students participate in weekly district sport as well as the opportunity to compete in District Cross Country, Swimming and Athletics competitions. In addition, students in the junior school participate in an intensive Swimming Program with students in the middle and senior years participating in a House Swimming Carnival.